At my weekly mediTation session…
At our local Yoga place. This time it was all about being thankful for what we already have.
(Sharing some personal stuff in a moment.)
It struck a chord with me.
Because many years ago I wished for a different life.
I was 14 years old and wanted to leave Germany. I hated my life and wanted to be born again with a mum that was still alive...
I wanted that new life to be in a different country. Surround myself with new people. Hit RESET and start from fresh.
No idea where all those thoughts came from... but then again, I'm not surprised I was thinking them. (Let's just say, I wasn't in a good place.)
I wanted to live ABROAD. And be able to speak English.
I wanted to have children (one day) who spoke English (bilingual would be NICE)... Again, no idea WHERE that came from. I was 14!
And those thoughts kept coming back for years...
I needed to find Mr. Right. (I wanted the complete opposite to what my mum had.)
But Mr. Right just didn't seem to be ANYWHERE in Germany... (I kissed a LOT of frogs in the process. 🐸 😱).
And then (10 years after just wishing and dreaming for something to happen), I STARTED to take the right steps to get it.
I left Germany to go to Ireland. Just for 6 months. And I found Mr. Right SIX days after touch down!
Ten years later I emigrated from Ireland to Australia. With the same man, now married with child and bun in the oven. The kids would grow up bilingual!
And it hit me like a ton of bricks, I got what I wanted!
And I realised...
We're not HALF as thankful as we should be for all that we already have (and sometimes take for granted!). Tweet this >>
I’m feeling thankful to the Universe and my younger self for taking the (scary) steps - and all those small but tricky steps in between - to get us where we are right now.
Last night I realised, by me being so IMPATIENT (and ungrateful too), that I'm pushing away the very thing I want the MOST for our little family. A real HOME that I can call our own.
And, I feel, it's not happening because of ME.
So, our meditation coach got us to leave ONE thing behind that's bugging us (as we walk out the door).
She asked us to think of a new mantra to say to ourselves. Every day. For the next 7 days ...
What I left behind (or am trying to!), is my IMPATIENCE and FRUSTRATION not getting what I really want fast enough.
Edit: 18 months after writing this Blog, we bought a home!
Next goal: Paying off the mortgage in FIVE years…
“The tension we create when we want something blocks it from coming to us; know what you want, work towards it & let it go.”
My mantra:
Dream BIG and trust the process. Tweet this >>
Because I know it's GOING to happen. It's inevitable.
For ALL of us. In its OWN time.
And that we are where we NEED to be right now.
I thought I'd share this with you. Hoping, you'll take something away from it.
Maybe you realise (like me last night), how lucky you already are.
All the things you've ALREADY achieved.
Or you stop being SO hard on yourself.
To live in the NOW and not in the "when I have this, I'll be happy" mentality.
My takeaway was to wake up and smell the coffee. ☕ And to be patient!
We have to acknowledge what we want and then put it to the side to give it space to come to us.
Then work for it, take the right steps, do something (every day!) TOWARDS it. And it WILL happen. When you least expect it.
You got this. 👊
To the birth of your very OWN website!
Your Website Creation Coach & Click By Click Tech Guide 🤓
P.S.: Do you want me in your website corner all the time? Join the waitlist to get notified when I open the doors again to CLICK BY CLICK ACADEMY™.
7 Steps To A Website
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No worries. I've been there. And I can help.
Click the button below and grab my FREE step-by-step guide to stop the tech overwhelm and START your site. (Even if you're completely non-techie!)
Includes click-by-click video tutorials... Something I wish I had when I started!
It's so easy-peasy, you can do it in bed, PJ's on. (Over coffee and chocolate... yum.)
YOUR turn
A little challenge for you: In the comments below, tell me THREE things you're thankful for right now.
It can be ANYTHING. From toothpaste to having a drivers license to having a family, a roof over your heads or just plain nad simple, you're thankful for sunshine and rain.
Write it down, take it in and inspire others. 🌟