This rang a bell with me.
I definitely keep doing things BEFORE I'm ready. 🙈
It's how the BEST and most exciting (and challenging) things happened in my life.
Things like ...
Moving to Ireland on my own (turns out, my school English was useless!)
Studying Drama, Journalism & Media Communications in Dublin.
Working in television (behind the scenes)
Joining a theatre group (to build confidence and make #friendsforlife).
Moving to Australia (this time not alone with husband, 9 months old daughter and bun in the oven).
Creating a business for my husband (without a clue of what I was doing).
Building a website because I had to. (But that’s another story.)
Buying (expensive) online courses, learning, soaking it all up, BEFORE I even knew what to actually do. Never mind sell.
Just to name a few ...
NONE of it would've happened if I had waited "until I was ready" ...
I wouldn't have had an amazing experience living in Ireland for 10 years (which was supposed to be six month).
I wouldn't have found Mr. Right!
Our kids wouldn’t be in this world. GASP!
We wouldn't have emigrated to Australia and started a new life.
I wouldn't have turned my husband's idea into a (now flourishing) business and learned SO much in the process.
I wouldn't have learned so many invaluable lessons and connected with so many like-minded and amazing people in the online world.
I wouldn't have built my own business, SHOWING others, HOW THEY can create their OWN websites.
I'm just SO glad I didn't wait until I was “ready"! #thefirststepisthehardest
“It’s better to look back on life & say, “I can’t believe I did that.”, than to look back & say, “I wish I did that.”
In the end we only regret the chances we didn’t take, the relationships we were afraid to have & the decisions we waited too long to make. ”
It took ONE leap of faith to finally START moving in the right direction.
And I SO wasn't ready! (We never are.)
I thank my 24 year old self for taking that FIRST (scary) step onto that plane to Ireland.
It changed the course of my life.
Everything happens for a reason.
You just gotta JUMP. That's the HARDEST part. #taketheleap
Once you jump, it's really not that bad anymore. Because you grow with your challenges. You LEARN as you go along. And everything EVOLVES and takes shape from there!
We can't perfect what we don't start! Tweet this >>
Try it. You might be surprised at what you're capable of!
To the birth of your very OWN website!
P.S.: Do you want me in your website corner all the time? Join the waitlist to get notified when I open the doors again to CLICK BY CLICK ACADEMY™. I’d LOVE to welcome you. 🤗
YOUR Website Coach & Click By Click Tech Guide 🤓
7 Steps To A Website.
Feeling frustrated with all the tech stuff?
No worries. I've been there. And I can help.
Click the button below and grab my FREE step-by-step guide to stop the tech overwhelm and START your site. (Even if you're completely non-techie!)
Includes click-by-click video tutorials... Something I wish I had when I started!
It's so easy-peasy, you can do it in bed, PJ's on. (Over coffee and chocolate... yum.)
YOUR turn ...
In the comments below, tell me, what's the ONE thing you will START on today (or at the very least, THIS week!). NO MORE delaying.
START DOING by joining my free FB community. We're all in the same boat. ;)