At a time when I'm at my lowest point ...
After a tough week at the office (aka home), I'm feeling frustrated that my (first) launch did NOT turn out the way I had envisaged it.
After many weeks (months!) of research & asking what my people want, HOW I can help them, figuring it all out & finally putting an offer out. #cuethecrickets!
I'm crying my eyes out (not just a weeks' but a YEARS' worth of tears) & am about to QUIT (for today anyway).
WHAT is it all for?
WHY are we putting ourselves through all this?
WHY are we so (freakin') hard on ourselves?
So, I complained (okay, whinged) to my husband ...
Where ARE my people? Where can I find them? Why can't they find meee?
Pathetic. I know!
Which was the exact MOMENT when I receive an email from one of my dreamiest clients ...
““And P.S. I think you are brilliant at what you do. I didn’t realize how brilliant until last night. Really made a huge difference having your oopmh!!” ”
Now, that's some feedback ... #cuethewaterworks
I had revised & tweaked her 7 pages (resource guide) FREEBIE to put some OOMPH into it & make her (tech) language FUN & come to life ...
That email made my day, my week, heck, my YEAR!
She didn't even realise how impeccable her timing was. (I told her though.)
And then I received a Facebook post from someone else ... out of the blue.
On the SAME day!
“Kerstin Begley I want to kiss you and hug you and shower you with flowers, chocolate, champagne and $$$$. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! This is FAN FRIGGING TASTIC!!!!”
Spooky or what?
It just shows you, you never know if people are already aware of you & your work. They may have bookmarked you & just haven't contacted you ... yet!
After a day (& weird coincidences) like that, I HAD to share it on my FB page.
I wanted to turn THIS day around into something positive. Maybe people could take something away from it.
So I shared it ...
And then this comment comes in ...
“I am BEYOND thankful for what you do, Kerstin, and how you do it. What YOU do makes what I do so much easier!! Thank you and no, you can NOT give up!! xoxo ❤”
And I realised, how far I've come & that I had to acknowledge that. For the first time.
We have to remind ourselves to celebrate every single win. No matter how small or big. To tell & encourage ourselves to keep going.
If you're a Solopreneur (like me) & you don't want to do this alone, find like-minded people who can do it WITH you.
Setting up your own online business isn't easy. If it was, everyone would be doing it. (I know, I hear THAT a lot too!)
I believe it is DOable. If you surround yourself with the right people. People who have the same drive, ambitions, dreams & struggles (tech-wise or mind-wise).
There is this cosy little (& FREE) FB community I know of. ;)
If you get out of your own way, share your story, make connections, you might be surprised at the response.
Especially on a bad day!
So ...
Click here and connect with like-minded others,
keep going, keep believing, keep giving, keep trusting and do ONE little thing every day. For 365 days. Imagine what you could achieve in just ONE year!
The other day someone asked me:
"What advice would you give to someone who is struggling to believe in themselves? Have you had to overcome this?"
My answer:
Yes. Every single day. But I got better at it. Acknowledge the negative thoughts & doubts & then kick them in the butt & KEEP GOING. One step at a time. One day at a time.
I believe that I needed this BAD day.
But only so I'll appreciate & SEE when things are going right ...
It's been two months since that day ... & so much has happened & opportunities have shown up.
So, to finish up, let the words sink in ...
Keep going.
Keep believing.
TRUST that you CAN.
Don't give up.
Don't be afraid.
You WILL get there.
You WILL find YOUR people.
YOUR people WILL find YOU.
To the birth of your very OWN website!
Your Website Creation Coach & Click By Click Tech Guide 🤓
P.S.: Wanna join my FB community of like-minded go-getters and website newbies? Click here and come on over.
P.P.S.: You're already inside? Click here and invite your FB friends to join us. >>